Sunday, March 15, 2020

When Should You Consider Jumping Ship - Your Career Intel

When Should You Consider Jumping Ship - Your Career IntelThere are several situations in which individuals should consider jumping ship, even if theyre tenured with their current company.There are several situations in which individuals should consider jumping ship, even if theyre tenured with their current company.Throughout my time as a recruiter with Lucas Group, I have encountered professionals at every stage of their careers. From entry-level to close to retirement, and mid-level managers who may be in need of a change, I understand the various stages in ones career. Oftentimes, I work with tenured employees who have been with the same company or possibly two companies for many years. While there is much to be said for the loyal employee versus a job hopper, there are several instances in which I believe an individual should consider jumping ship.No upward mobility. If youve hit the ceiling at the your current company, and theres no where to grow, it may be time to consider anot her opportunity. Likewise if youve been waiting for those above your position to leave or retire, you could be waiting indefinitely or miss your shot at career advancement all together.Compensation. We all know its tough to negotiate mora money out of your current employer. Moving to another company, especially a competitor, can often be a lucrative decision as other companies may want you badly enough to pay your top line.Diversification. As a professional, its important to diversify your experience. Work for different leadership styles. Gain experience at both large companies and small. Become flexible in order to be adaptable in any work environment.Making a job change can be daunting, especially if youre tenured in your current role. However, if you find that you fit into one of the above categories, it may be time to branch out and seek a new position or employer.Have you recently made a transition? Are you considering jumping ship to advance to the next level of your career? W e want to hear your storiesgood and bad Leave your comments in the fields below.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Simple Ways to Clear Your Overstimulated Mind

Simple Ways to Clear Your Overstimulated Mind You start the workday off with the best intentions, hopeful that youllfinallybe able to tackle a difficult project thats beenloomingover your head. But by mid-afternoon yourestressed, tired, andcant seem to focuson much of anything -- let alone dive into work that requires intense concentration.That big project? Itll have to wait until tomorrow.If youve found yourself in this self-defeating cycle, youre certainly not alone. It can seem nearly impossible to make time for cognitively demanding tasks, what author Cal Newport callsdeep work.How do some people make room for creativity even with a crazy busy schedulewhile others get stuck in brain fog and procrastination?Doingless, not more, is the secret to achieving mental clarity so that your creativity can thrive. Instead of addingmoregoals to your plate, you have to limit inputs coming at you.Here are a few small changes that can yield big results.1. Limit the energy drain of constant upda tesSocial media is like a black hole that sucks you in with endless updates, wasting your time and zapping your focus. Use a tool to quiet your nachrichten feed or remove it all together.This will allow you uninterrupted serenity to think and create - two essential elements forhappiness at work. Youll be amazed by how much you can accomplish and how much better youll feel without the deluge of posts cluttering your screen (and mind).The mind is like a muscle it requirescareful maintenanceor itll eventually burn out. Focused thinking free from distractions and social media is essential on days when you feel scattered.2. Keep tabs on your well-beingYour physiology affects your psychology. Put simply, if your body isnt properly rested or nourished, youll have a harder time focusing. Ask yourselfAm I hungry?Am I angry?Am I lonely?Am I tired?This self-care practice, known asHALT, is a great way to monitor your well-being so you can keep your attention optimized.For example, if you find y ourself struggling to write a simple email, check-in with yourself. Do you need a to take a walk outside and clear your head? Maybe a snack will do the trick. You might find a quick break renews your focus and clarity.3. Build in reflective timeIn our frenzied, jam-packed verfallen lives, its incredibly difficult to force yourself to just stop. But periodically carving out time to pause and absorb the sights, sounds, and sensations of your surroundings is paramount to performing at your best.When Im feeling overwhelmed or uninspired, I first shift something in my surroundings. Theres science behind this seemingly simplistic approach Researchshowsa change of environment stimulates creativity.A simple way to include time to decompress throughout your day is to avoid scheduling meetings back to back. Book inbuffer time,say 15 to 20 minutes between meetings, so that you can get organized and re-center yourself.At the end of the day, its up toyouto optimize your time, working space, and schedule. You have to be responsible for putting practices in place to safeguard your mental energy so that your creative juices can flow.--Melody Wildingis a coach and licensed social worker who helps ambitious high-achievers manage the emotional aspects of having a successful career. Her clients include CEOs and C-level executives at top Fortune 500 companies such as Google and HP, as well as media personalities, startup founders, and entrepreneurs across industries. She also teaches Human Behavior at Hunter College in NYC. Get free tools to grow your career confidence version of this article originally appeared onInc.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Practical Tips for Resume Writing Jobs Entry Level Online You Can Begin to Use Immediately

Practical Tips for Resume Writing Jobs Entry Level Online You Can Begin to Use Immediately If so, then being a greeting card writer might be an excellent idea. Out right here there are lots of writing possibilities as well as its hard to inform which one isnt a rip-off. Remember that blog writing is tricky to earn a full-time job. You would like an entry-level job for a web content writer. Second though entry level work at home jobs need little (two decades or less) or no prior experience, you will nonetheless be evaluated for what you could contribute. If you dont have experience, then attempt to obtain an internship when possible. Thus, you will need experience to find an entry-level job, but minus the job, you cant acquire experience. Its also fantastic to get previous experience under yur belt, even if its an internship. Data Entry Data Entry might be the very first job which you will search for if youre planning to work at home. Work Experience Employment experienc e is easily the fruchtwein important part of any entry-level resume. You dont need any specific expertise to begin as a Website Tester. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Resume Writing Jobs Entry Level Online Since you may see, there isnt any lack of businesses that hire for entry level work at home jobs. If you are searching for resume writer jobs, were always open for cooperation. If youre particularly on the lookout for non-phone jobs, heres a huge list of those. If youre looking for scam-free work-at-home jobs, then theres no greater place than FlexJobs. Things You Should Know About Resume Writing Jobs Entry Level Online Always adhere to the structure, even if you prefer to produce a 1000-word essay on how good youre. Legitimate data entry jobs are tough to find, but theyre perfect to begin. Education section is most likely the most crucial portion of an entry level resume, as it offers you an opportunity to demonstrate your skills, not concentrating on the absence of work experience. The education part of your entry-level resume can produce the hiring manager say the words above. There are many job boards floating around the web, and a number of them are focused on writing jobs more than others. Resume creators enable jobseekers to make and download their finished resumes right from the world wide web to begin applying immediately. Its initially very daunting to seek out work-at-home jobs whenever you are a newbie, but there are loads of organizations in various fields that hire beginners. It is difficult to look for legitimate work-at-home jobs, and its even challenging to search for the ones that hire someone with no prior experience or a comprehensive beginner. On-line writing seems to be absolutely the most intelligent method you can make money. If you dont take pleasure in the topic youre writing about, it is going to be challenging to locate individuals who will relish your writing. As a freelancer, you ought to be flexible in your writing skills, and ready to take orders you dont necessarily deem interesting. If you want more help, have a look at our professional experience writing guide. The Key to Successful Resume Writing Jobs Entry Level Online When you purchase an entry level resume from our competitors, the product that you receive will almost certainly be simply a generic resume with basic details. When you purchase an entry level resume, you have the ability to do everything from placing a new order to getting a conversation with your writer from your cell phone. When you buy a custom made entry level resume, we would like you to feel secure in the simple fact that we will do absolutely everything in our capability to offer you just what you wanted. In other words, in regards to ordering entry level resumes, Ultius cannot be beat.