Saturday, May 30, 2020

3 Things You Must Do on Your Job Search

3 Things You Must Do on Your Job Search 359 Job search in a nutshell. This is a guest post by Bless Vaidian. If you’d also like to guest post here on JobMob, follow these guest post guidelines. Last year I won 1st place in JobMob’s 5th Annual Guest Blogging contest with an article about 10 Good Things To Do While Between Jobs. This year’s article is the must-do version for job seekers to maximize on the use of their time, energy, and resources. If followed it will help a new grad, those recently laid-off, a mom looking to go back to work, or even those looking to connect with opportunity find their next job.eval Don’t worry about the destination. Focus on the journey and these 3 things you need to do now in your job search to get the results you want. 1. Behold the Power of Social Media Your social media profiles and online presence matter in a job search.eval It always needs to be professional, it needs to promote your ‘brand’, and it needs to attract the right kind of attention. When recruiters get resumes, most are weeding out candidates by ‘googling’ their name and checking online to see the full picture. Most hiring professionals will go onto Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to learn more about you. The image you created for yourself by your posts, tweets, and likes are being scrutinized, so be careful what you share. Great online profiles and stronger brands get interviews! You may have the qualifications, but if you don’t have a great online image you can lose out on opportunity. 2. Learn Something New How we define the situations we are placed in determines our action, and how we are going to work towards the outcome we desire. Action is a positive force. Hopefully you have a friend, counselor, or family member that helps you stay optimistic in your job search. While waiting for a job, use the time you have to get yourself and your resume more marketable. For example- read job descriptions. If you do not have the skills needed for the job you want, you could use this time to acquire them. Read books related to your field, master that computer program you always wanted to, or get the certification you need to make your resume stand out. 3. Get Out of The House You have this extra time while waiting for a job to ‘pay it forward’ and help others. You also need to keep yourself charged with interaction out of necessity. Volunteer your time in a hospital, at campaign headquarters for the candidate of your choice, or for your favorite non-profit agency. Become involved with the local chapter of a professional organization (i.e. Accounting Society, American Marketing Association, etc). Even keeping up with the routine of going to the gym or attending various events/classes offered by the town is good for you personally, and its good for your job search. Being active and networking in person can cut months off your job search. Jobs are not just found by surfing the net, it’s often found by meeting the right person-at the right time. Regardless of where you are in your job search today; be in motion, be hopeful, and be motivated to succeed. In any difficult transition we are in, the worst thing we can do for ourselves is ‘nothing’. Oliver Wendell Holmes said, ‘’the greatest thing in this world is not so much where we stand today, but it’s in what direction we are moving.” About the Author Bless was the grand prize winner of the 5th Annual JobMob Guest Blogging Contest. She currently works as a Career Counselor at Pace University, and thanks to the prizes she won from last year's contest, now has her own coaching firm Career Transitions Guide. Check her out on Twitter @BlessCareers and on the Career Transitions Guide Facebook page. This article is part of the Over $6000 in Prizes: It’s The 6th Annual JobMob Guest Blogging Contest, which was made possible thanks in large part to our sponsors: WebHostingBuzz is a reliable web hosting company with the servers hosted at multiple US and Europe locations and over 30,000 happy customers worldwide. Organize your job search with JibberJobber, the top career and personal relationship manager online. If you want Bless Vaidian to win, share this article with your friends. If you liked this article, you'll also enjoy 10 Ironclad Reasons Why Job Seekers Must Use Social Media.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Sample Resume For Resume Writing

Sample Resume For Resume WritingWhen you are creating a sample resume for resume writing, it is important to make sure you outline what you hope to achieve from the resume. Having a strong theme to your resume will help to ensure that when employers see it they will be able to easily connect with you. By outlining your goals in a clear manner, your resume will be read more quickly and you will be on your way to landing that job interview.When you begin to write a sample resume for resume writing, take some time to think about what it is that you hope to accomplish from it. This will help to ensure that the job will stand out on paper and that it will be something that the employer finds compelling enough to call you for an interview. If you are unsure about what sort of resume to use, take some time to research how the different styles of resumes are used. There are many different styles and you may find that using a resume template is better for you than trying to create one on your own.When you are writing a sample resume for resume writing, it is important to think about what you want to achieve from it. You should have a good idea of what you hope to get out of the job. However, remember that the style of the resume is more important than the content. Writing a resume that will stand out will be affected by the format of the resume, which is typically referred to as a 'sample resume.'In order to create a good resume, it is important to make sure that you outline what you hope to achieve from the sample resume. It is also necessary to take some time to think about what it is that you hope to get out of the resume. The style of the resume is more important than the content. Writing a resume that will stand out will be affected by the format of the resume, which is typically referred to as a 'sample resume.'When you are writing a sample resume for resume writing, take some time to think about what you hope to achieve from it. This will help to ensure that the job will stand out on paper and that it will be something that the employer finds compelling enough to call you for an interview. If you are unsure about what the format of the resume should be, take some time to research how the different styles of resumes are used.There are many different styles of resumes, which are used when creating a sample resume for resume writing. While it may be difficult to create one without a style, it may be easier than you think. If you are unsure about what the format of the resume should be, take some time to research how the different styles of resumes are used.When you are writing a sample resume for resume writing, it is important to make sure that you outline what you hope to achieve from the sample resume. It is also necessary to take some time to think about what it is that you hope to get out of the resume. The format of the resume is more important than the content.When you are writing a sample resume for resume writing, it is important to m ake sure that you outline what you hope to achieve from the sample resume. It is also necessary to take some time to think about what it is that you hope to get out of the resume. The format of the resume is more important than the content. Writing a resume that will stand out will be affected by the format of the resume, which is typically referred to as a 'sample resume.'

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Inside the mind of a workaholic

Inside the mind of a workaholic I am sleeping in the downstairs bedroom. Alone. Or sometimes with the dog. I hate writing this story because I want to be a person you admire, but I also hate not writing it. Because I want to be a person I admire. I want to be a person known for honesty. Which means I need to tell you that I wish I cared more that Im not talking to the Farmer. I hate that I have stories I dont want to tell. Because I have found that almost always, the secrets we keep matter a lot to us, but they dont matter to other people. For example, I emailed to Melissa one day. I have a secret: I drank wine at breakfast today and I havent stopped. I thought Melissa would email back that Im an idiot and Ill be in rehab. But she emailed back, I forgot to get a refill for Lexapro and today is the first time in a year that Ive initiated sex. Secrets are fun. Thats what I try to tell myself. Its fun to not have to have a secret anymore, really. Its very hard to tell which of our secrets are huge and which are small. Like, I did not think it was a big deal when I said I was having a miscarriage, but that was a huge deal to a huge number of people. And I thought it was a huge deal when I said I was trying anti-anxiety meds, but no one really cared. What is a huge secret to you and what is a huge secret to everyone else is so different. Which makes me feel unsure about secrets. But I read  a piece in the Wall St. Journal  about a safari guide in Zimbabwe. He is one of the most famous safari guides in the world, and he says he tells people to never run away from an animal. Always go slowly. Unless I tell you to run. Then run. And there was one time when he was guiding a man and woman through some elephants, and a mother elephant started chasing them. So they had to run. They ran for about half a mile, and they still hadnt gotten away. And the woman said, I cant go anymore. I cant run anymore. I just cant. And the guide said, Okay. Ill have to shoot the elephant. Then she said, No. Ill keep running. And she did. I think we are like that. That if the alternative is terrible, we can keep running. But first we have to really believe the alternative is terrible. I wish I felt more fulfilled being in a marriage with the Farmer. I love retreating to my work. I read that men who have stay-at-home wives treat women at work like their wives. That might be nice. I should go get an office job. I should set new, really high traffic goals for my blog, and meet them. Web stats are like crack: I could be obsessed and look at them every day and not care about my personal life. But I dont want another divorce. And the kids really love the Farmer. So I guess we are doing a trade right now. I cook and clean. And he lets me raise my kids on the farm. And the kids love him. We have not exactly discussed this trade. In fact, I have not spoken more than a few words to him in weeks. And there was a fight. Of course. The fight was: I say something. He gets pissed off that I said it. I get hurt that hes pissed off. I cant remember the fight. The topic or anything. I remember what the kids saw, though:  He kicked me out of the house in front of the kids. The kids left with me. The next day, my seven-year-old said, Dad. Im sorry you had such a bad day yesterday. Im sorry you kicked Mom out of the house. The Farmer said, I didnt kick her out of the house I. (I cant remember what else he said.) And my son said, Well you told her to get out of the house twice. And you put her stuff on the porch. The Farmer said, I lost my temper. That was wrong. I should not lose my temper. Later. Days later. When I had already stopped talking to the Farmer, I checked in with my seven-year-old while we were driving. How are you feeling about the divorce? He asked if I was talking about divorce between me and the Farmer. I said, no, Im talking about the divorce that actually happened, between me and my Ex. My son said,  I am worried that Dad is going to throw you out of the house and then I will just live with him on the farm with him and Im worried you wont have a place to live. That killed me. So many different ways it killed me. It is well known that as a rational act of self-preservation kids will often identify with the aggressor in the marriage. And thats what happening at my house. So I cant let the kids see us have a fight again because our fights are not safe for them to see. I reviewed my options. Couples therapy has been totally useless. The therapist told us he thought we were hopeless.  And divorce is out of the question because I think its completely selfish with kids. So I decided its my job to figure out how to be in this house without ever having another fight with the Farmer again. Because the fights are too costly emotionally to the kids. Which means Im retreating to my work. My work is always there for me. And Im so good at work. And my work is interesting and fun and I meet such cool people. So for now, thats my best solution. Thats the end of the post. There. But I thought it sounded like my life is going to hell. So I did some searches about being a workaholic. I thought it would be good to write about the virtues of having a great career to turn to if your personal life sucks. I wanted to give you links to research about how people with great careers can use them as tools to create resilience. But there were no links. There were only links about how people gain resilience from intimate relationships. And, frankly, all the research about workaholics is that they are neurotic, delusional  and lonely. I love retreating to work so much. But I didnt want to have to tell you that because its so lame. So last night, I did my webinar  at 8pm. And at 9pm I walked up to the Farmer, after two months of not talking to him, and I said, I want you to hug me. I think he was surprised to see me even walk into his bedroom which two months ago was our shared bedroom. He looked at me. He said, You must be really happy after that call. It sounded like you guys were having lots of fun. I said, No. Im sad actually. Im sad that we are not trying hard enough at the relationship. Im sad that work is so much more fun than my personal life. He hugged me. And that is why, I think, that stories have so much power. We so much want a happy ending.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Ways to Bring Summer into the Office - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Ways to Bring Summer into the Office - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Summer is already here and it is three months long. Unfortunately, most of us cannot go to vacation for three months but even if we are in the office, we can still enjoy the long summer days and bring summer into the office. Below you can find how: Change Your Commute Routine: Instead of taking the metro or bus, why not cycle or even walk to the office? In this way, you can enjoy the nice weather outside and feel the sun. Plan an Office BBQ Day: Everybody loves BBQ, especially during summer. Therefore, plan an outdoor BBQ for your office or team. This will also help people get together and socialize. Work Outside: Take your laptop and go work in the garden of your office. If you can work remotely, you can also go work at a park or even at a beach. Get Hydrated: Don’t forget to stay hydrated during long summer days. Have a bottle of water at your desk all the time. Also, instead of drinking coffee or soda, try drinking a cool glass of lemonade to feel that you are in summer. Decorate Your Desk with Summer Photos: You can place photos from your previous summer vacations on your desk to remember those fun days. This will also give you motivation to plan your trip for this summer. Start Earlier, Leave Earlier: Days are longer during summer. Sun rises earlier and sets later. For this reason, get to the office a little early and finish off early to enjoy the rest of your afternoon and maybe you can socialize with your friends or loved ones during the rest of the day. Ice Cream Break: Ice cream is not only for kids and it makes everyone happy. Thus, why not give yourself an ice cream break in the afternoon? You can walk to the nearest ice cream shop from your office and take a little break. Have Some Flowers in the Office: Flowers clean the air. Also, they look and smell nice. In addition, they give you joy when you look at them. Therefore, put some fresh flowers around the office or on to your desk to brighten up your day. Listen to the Summer Songs: Turn on your radio and listen to the summer tunes. Some Caribbean or Hawaiian music can make you feel that you are already in vacation. If you find music distracting while working, you can listen to it when you are driving.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Objective On An IT Resume

Objective On An IT ResumeWriting an objective on an it resume can be an integral part of preparing for your career. Often you will find that you have a great deal of questions or simply want to see what your potential employer is looking for. In this article we will examine the best way to write an objective on an it resume.In order to write an objective on an it resume, you should know that the position in which you will be applying is known as an IT professional. Also the industry that you will be applying for will be known as Information Technology. The reason that an IT professional is so frequently referred to as an IT professional is that they are the people who primarily use the various tools and technologies that computers and the internet require to operate. Therefore you must know your field to write your own objective.The best way to choose your perspective occupation is to take a look at what is currently available. It is true that there is plenty of potential, however wh at is available now could change over time. An IT professional's job will depend upon what is required to do work successfully. If your objective is to become a virtual assistant, your goal should be to acquire new skills that will allow you to become an effective and efficient virtual assistant. As the name suggests, virtual assistants work for a company, and they provide essential assistance to those who want the services of virtual assistants.Another example of an IT profession would be a sales or management position. Here the objectives for jobs would include becoming a manager or coach. However, since the business is usually located on the line, rather than on the ground, your prospective employer will need your work to be geared towards customers. Therefore you need to address the needs of customers before working for your potential employer.If you are uncertain about your goals, then you can begin by researching the type of job description that you would like to fill. There a re many job descriptions for an IT professional and there is a software program that will help you locate the description for the position that you wish to fill. Once you have your research, the next step is to identify your field of study.Now you must write your objectives for a position. Now this is the tricky part. Writing objectives for a position is often difficult because of the vocabulary that is used in each individual place. The best way to go about this is to make a list of words that can be used to describe your objectives, and then you can start to identify the words that you would like to use to describe your field of study.Now the most important thing to remember when writing an objective on an it resume is to always make sure that your objective describes what you will be expected to accomplish, and the tasks that you will be expected to perform. You should be sure that it also tells the reader a little bit about you. You should be careful to avoid stating your object ives in too much detail so that the reader may not be able to understand your reasoning for writing the objectives.If you find yourself struggling with the next step of creating your objectives for a position that is IT related, then you should consider getting help from a professional writer. Writing your objectives on an it resume is not difficult, but you will need to make sure that you know what you are doing before you begin.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

3 Common Beliefs that Can Ruin Your Career

3 Common Beliefs that Can Ruin Your Career Over the years, I’ve discovered that there are three common beliefs about how to succeed in your career that are completely misguided. In fact, if you hold onto them too long, it can ruin your career. You’ve probably even been given some of this advice by people who truly want you to do well. Since I don’t want you to fall into the same traps and struggle under these beliefs like I did, I’m going to share with you those three misguided beliefs and what you should do instead. Keeping your head down The first misguided belief is this: “Keep your head down, work hard, do great work and you’ll get recognized and rewarded.” This one is particularly dangerous for two reasons. First, it’s actually true for the first few years of your career. Especially if you’re in a training program at a big company, which can be like training wheels for your first job. In those initial years, you’re being looked after and trained up, so all you need to do is keep your head down, work hard and do great work. The watchful eyes of the organization will do the rest. And that makes it not only easy, but also likely that you’ll get lulled into a sense of false security that you can rely on this formula for the foreseeable future. That’s simply wrong. The second reason this belief is dangerous is that we all want to believe it, and so we do. Wouldn’t it make life so much easier if we could just go about doing our work and get noticed without having to make any effort at all? Frankly, nobody likes having to do the self-promotion thing. Even for politicians and rock stars, it’s a skill that requires practice and honing. If you hold onto this belief long enough, you’ll find yourself on a plateau while others, often less talented, pass you by in terms of pay, promotion and recognition. Instead, what you need to do is demonstrate your true value. To your boss, your stakeholders, your clients and your team. It’s up to you to show them how you make a difference, so don’t leave it to others to search around and figure it out for themselves. When you’re good at demonstrating your true value, the odds of achieving success in your career, and in your life, are definitely in your favor. So don’t get lulled into believing you’ll get ahead by just keeping your head down, working hard and doing an excellent job. Doing it yourself The second misguided belief is “I should be able to do this on my own.” This is a common “achiever” way of thinking, so you’re in good company if this is one of your beliefs too. In fact, I made a whole career choice based on this belief. My family is filled with doctors and academics. As I was growing up, family friends would ask me, “so will you become a doctor when you grow up, just like your Mom and Dad?” Well, that pretty much clinched it for me. If there was one thing I wasn’t going to be, it was a doctor. Or an academic, for that matter. I wanted to show that I could achieve success completely on my own, with no help from my family or anyone else. What a dope! This made it vastly more difficult to succeed, and it probably took me way longer with more painful mistakes along the way. The truth is, no one succeeds in their careers on their own. We all need help. And others appreciate being given the opportunity to help you. Doesn’t it make you feel great to be able to help someone else? Instead of going it alone, you need a network of people to plug into so you can connect with the right people. I think of your network like your power grid. It’s an energy source for your career â€" one that contains information, insights, feedback, connections and opportunities. The higher the quality of your network and the broader the reach, the more energy you will have powering your career. Your network can make or break you. Especially at critical points like when you’re transitioning into a new role, when you’re searching for your next move, or recovering from a major setback. After all, business is done through people. It’s not just who you know, it’s also who knows you. And when your career isn’t going the way you want, it’s often because of your relationships with key people â€" or lack of them. Being indispensable The third common belief that can hold you back is “It’s good to be indispensable.” As in being indispensable for doing the job you’re doing. We all know that to get ahead, you’ve got to be able to deliver results. But delivering the results you’ve been told to deliver is not sufficient these days. It’s the equivalent of handing in your assignment on time and in good shape. And when you get really good at doing what you’re told, this can make you indispensable. Now, most people will tell you that being indispensable is a good thing. Even something to strive for if you want your career to go well. But here’s the thing: if you’re indispensable for doing what you’re told to do in your current role, then you put yourself at risk of missing future opportunities. The major risk is that you get seen as not only the best person to do your job, but the ONLY person who can do it well. You become seen as hard to replace, and maybe it’s easier to keep you right where you are. Soon, they’re concluding that promoting you would create a bigger hole than the one you would fill. And maybe it’s easier to move someone else into that bigger role instead. Someone less indispensable and more easily replaceable than you. And if you haven’t given any clues that you have bigger aspirations for your career, or shown you can learn new things and grow into that next role, others might mistakenly think they’d be doing everyone a favor to allow you to continue doing what you’re doing so brilliantly. Why mess with a good thing by promoting you possibly beyond your abilities, right? Here’s what you need to be doing instead â€" you need to be doing business differently. This is about producing commercial results and outcomes beyond what currently exists, in a way that’s tied to what matters most to your organization. Then you become indispensable in a good way. You become indispensable for what you CAN BECOME. By the way, you can be commercial whether or not your part of the organization is responsible for generating revenue. And the same applies to organizations that aren’t about making money, like non-profits, government agencies, and educational institutions. For example, being commercial in a charity could look like figuring out how to serve more people with the same level of resources, or finding new potential donors to make the charity sustainable for the future. And if you’re in an area like legal, accounting or IT that doesn’t generate revenues on its own, being commercial could mean being smart about managing risk, saving money, or improving systems and processes. So stop being indispensable in your current role and start demonstrating you can do more and be indispensable for what you can become. Show that you’ve got what it takes at the next level. What will you do? Are any of these common beliefs holding you back? If so, it’s time to let go of them and make the shift: From “keeping your head down” and expecting the best, to demonstrating your true value instead. From thinking “I should be able to do this myself”, to plugging into your network and connecting with the right people. From trying to “be indispensable” for what you currently are asked to do, to doing the business differently and showing how indispensable you can become. Which of these common beliefs have you held, and what will you do differently? Leave a comment and let me know.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Who is Talking About You Online -

How Do YOU RankSocial Mention gives you four grades, Strength, Sentiment Passion and Reach.Strength- the likelihood that your name is being mentioned right nowSentiment ratio of mentions that are positive over the ones that are negativePassion how likely is it that people will be repeatedly talking about youReach the number of people talking about you over the total number of mentionsGive this tool a try if you are serious about building a strong online reputation. Over time, you will begin to see your scores improve, which feels great.